0.9.3 Release 0.9.3 inkluderar utförliga låg-nivå förändringar vid köandet av meddelanden i routern.
0.9.2 Release 0.9.2 inkluderar utförliga låg-nivå-förändringar för att förbättre prestandan och effektiviteten hos routern. Vi har uppdaterat vårat UPnP-bibliotek, för att förhoppningsvis få UPnP att fungera för fler personer. I2PSnark har nu DHT-stöd, men det är inte påslaget som standard, då vi planerar att utföra fler tester under den komman utvecklingscukeln för 0.9.3.
0.9.1 Release 0.9.1 includes a large number of bug fixes in i2psnark, some streaming lib improvements, home page changes, new themes, and translation updates.
0.9 Release The 0.9 release concludes over a year and a half of work on the 0.8.x series, in which we greatly improved the performance and security of the router, and the scalability of the network.
0.8.13 Release The 0.8.13 release contains several bug fixes and a couple of new features. We are pleased that the last release significantly improved performance, and the network is running well despite continued rapid growth.
0.8.12 Release The 0.8.12 release fixes several message corruption bugs, some present since 2005. It also contains a redesign of the router's congestion control, and continued optimization of CPU and memory usage. We are hopeful that these changes will improve network performance.
0.8.11 Release Release 0.8.11 includes several more changes to reduce the number of router-to-router connections and increase connection and tunnel build capacity. The goal, of course, is to improve tunnel build success rates and general reliability. As always, there's a few bug fixes and translation updates.
0.8.10 Release Release 0.8.10 includes two changes intended to reduce the number of router-to-router connections, and therefore improve tunnel build success rates and general reliability. Of course, there's also a few bug fixes and translation updates.
0.8.9 Release The 0.8.9 release has several performance improvements, and many changes to handle the continued rapid growth of the network. It uses a new iterative method for Kademlia network database lookups that should be more reliable and efficient. There are also several improvements to our SSU (UDP) transport protocol that should help reliability and efficiency. We have made several changes to improve tunnel build success rates. And, of course, there are lots of bug fixes and translation updates.