This document specifies a re-randomizable signature scheme suitable for creating Destinations that can be blinded. It additionally can be used to blind existing Ed25519 Destinations, with a slight reduction in efficacy.
[Prop123] defines an encrypted LeaseSet2 format that embodies the Principle of Least Authority: each network participant is given only the information necessary for their role. In particular, an encrypted LeaseSet2 published to a floodfill does not reveal the Destination it is for, and the Leases can only be viewed by someone with prior knowledge of the Destination. However, floodfills still need to be able to authenticate the encrypted LeaseSet2s when they are published, and clients need to additionally ensure that the authentication was enforced by the Destination itself.
Prop123 achieves this by blinding the signing keys of Destinations. The blinded keys can be used to create signatures that are verifiable by floodfills, and clients can be certain that only the Destination could have created the signatures. It is therefore necessary to specify a signature scheme that can be used for blinding.
Core signature scheme
The signature scheme specified here, Red25519, is an instantiation of [RedDSA], a Schnorr-based signature scheme that supports key re-randomization. It has the following functions:
- Returns a uniformly-random private key.
- Returns the public key corresponding to the given private key.
- Returns a random scalar suitable for re-randomizing a keypair.
- Re-randomizes a private key, using a secret scalar alpha.
- Re-randomizes a public key, using a secret scalar alpha.
- SIGN(sk, m)
- Returns a signature by the private key sk over the given message m.
- VERIFY(vk, m, sig)
- Verifies the signature sig against the public key vk and message m. Returns true if the signature is valid, false otherwise.
For a given keypair (sk, vk) the following relationship holds:
Converting Ed25519 keys to Red25519
Ed25519 keys MAY be transiently one-way converted to Red25519 keys, in order to support re-randomization of existing Ed25519 Destinations. Other sigtypes are not compatible.
We define the following conversion functions:
- CONVERT_ED25519_PRIVATE(privkey)
- Returns the Red25519 private key corresponding to the given Ed25519 private key.
- CONVERT_ED25519_PUBLIC(pubkey)
- Returns the Red25519 public key corresponding to the given Ed25519 public key.
For a given Ed25519 keypair (privkey, pubkey) the following relationship holds:
- B
- The Ed25519 basepoint as in [RFC-8032].
- L
- The Ed25519 order 2^252 + 27742317777372353535851937790883648493 as in [RFC-8032].
- [s] B
- Fixed-base scalar multiplication of the basepoint by s.
- [s] A
- Variable-base scalar multiplication of A by s.
- x || y
- Concatenate two byte arrays x and y.
The scheme Red25519 specializes RedDSA with:
- G := the group of points on the Edwards form of Curve25519. In particular, this means that Red25519 uses the prime-order subgroup of order L, and the cofactor h_G is 8.
- P_G := the Ed25519 basepoint B.
- l_H := 512
- H(x) := SHA-512("I2P_Red25519H(x)" || x)
RedDSA assumes that H(x) is instantiated with a cryptographic hash function that is secure against length extension attacks. SHA-512 does not satisfy this on its own. To remedy this, we require that messages are prefixed with a prefix-free encoding of their length:
len_u16(M) || M
where len_u16(M) is the 2-byte representation of the length of M, in little-endian (to be consistent with the little-endian encoding of scalars and points).
Messages must be no longer than 65534 bytes. A length of 65535 is reserved for possible future extensions.
Encoding and decoding
Red25519 private keys are scalars mod L, encoded in little-endian representation. We define the functions DECODE_SCALAR and ENCODE_SCALAR for swapping between the byte array and integer forms of a scalar.
Red25519 public keys are points on the Edwards form of Curve25519. They are encoded as the 255-bit little-endian representation of the y-coordinate, followed by a single bit indicating the sign of the x-coordinate. This is the same encoding as for Ed25519. We define the functions DECODE_POINT and ENCODE_POINT for swapping between the bye array and coordinate forms of a point.
RedDSA functions
For ease of implementation, we explicitly write out below the RedDSA functions (as well as several helper functions) already specialized for Red25519. Implementors should refer to section 5.4.6 of [RedDSA] for the general specification of the RedDSA functions.
HStar(prefix1, prefix2, m) :=
h = SHA-512()
h.input(len(m) & 0xff)
h.input((len(m) >> 8) & 0xff)
s = h.digest()
return s mod L
s = 64 random bytes
return s mod L
DERIVE_PUBLIC(sk) := [sk] B
s = 64 random bytes
return s mod L
RANDOMIZE_PRIVATE(sk, alpha) := (sk + alpha) mod L
RANDOMIZE_PUBLIC(vk, alpha) := vk + [alpha] B
SIGN(sk, m) :=
T = 80 random bytes
r = HStar(T, vkBytes, m)
R = [r] B
c = HStar(Rbytes, vkBytes, m)
S = (r + (c * sk)) mod L
return Rbytes || ENCODE_SCALAR(S)
VERIFY(vk, m, sig) :=
Rbytes = sig[0..32]
Sbytes = sig[32..64]
if R is invalid:
return false
if S >= L:
return false
vkBytes = ENCODE_POINT(vk)
c = HStar(Rbytes, vkBytes, m)
return ((-[S] B) + R + ([c] vk)).multiplyByCofactor().isIdentity()
Conversion functions
CONVERT_ED25519_PRIVATE(privkey) :=
s = SHA-512(privkey)[0..32]
s[0] = s[0] & 248
s[31] = (s[31] & 63) | 64
return s
CONVERT_ED25519_PUBLIC(pubkey) := pubkey
Note that the implementation of CONVERT_ED25519_PRIVATE is equivalent to the computation of the secret scalar s when deriving an Ed25519 public key from an Ed25519 private key, as specified in in steps 1-3 from section 5.1.5 of [RFC-8032].
Security implications
Re-randomizing a Red25519 Destination and then creating signatures with it does not leak any information about the Destination, because the distribution of Red25519 private keys generated via RANDOMIZE_PRIVATE is identical to the distribution of private keys generated via GENERATE_PRIVATE, and DERIVE_PUBLIC is deterministic.
Converting Ed25519 private keys to Red25519 via CONVERT_ED25519_PRIVATE does not result in the same distribution. However, we consider the reduction in security acceptable for the following reasons:
- The space of Ed25519 scalars is roughly half the size of the space of Red25519 scalars (there are 2^251 possible Ed25519 scalars, and L ~= 2^252 possible Red25519 scalars). Thus the security loss is at most a factor of roughly 2, or roughly 1 bit (because we could have coincidentally chosen a Red25519 scalar that is also a valid Ed25519 scalar).
- Existing Ed25519 Destinations have already been historically exposed on the network, and it should be assumed that malicious floodfills have already enumerated them.
Users who are concerned about this security reduction should use Red25519 as the sigtype for their Destinations instead of Ed25519.
Note that the above argument does not apply to the re-randomization scalar alpha; information about the key is leaked each time a biased alpha is chosen, because additive re-randomization behaves like a one-time pad.
I2P versions that support Red25519 will be able to verify network datastructures that are signed with it. I2P versions that do not support Red25519 will treat it as an unknown signature, and MAY drop the datastructures. Users should expect the reliability of Red25519-signed datastructures to be poor until sufficient deployment of Red25519 has been reached.
Test vectors
edsk: Ed25519 private key (random)
edpk: Ed25519 public key corresponding to edsk
sk: CONVERT_ED25519_PRIVATE(edsk)
vk: CONVERT_ED25519_PUBLIC(edpk)
sig: SIGN(sk, msg)
rsk: RANDOMIZE_PRIVATE(sk, alpha)
rvk: RANDOMIZE_PUBLIC(vk, alpha)
rsig: SIGN(rsk, msg)
Test vector 1
edsk: 0101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101
edpk: 8a88e3dd7409f195fd52db2d3cba5d72ca6709bf1d94121bf3748801b40f6f5c
sk: 58e86efb75fa4e2c410f46e16de9f6acae1a1703528651b69bc176c088bef36e
vk: 8a88e3dd7409f195fd52db2d3cba5d72ca6709bf1d94121bf3748801b40f6f5c
msg: 0202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202
sig: 61f5527f4d3b46de4b2c234390370bf715ae9098907a0d191ba1b44b23a8ac1a
alpha: ae9ba9cbbc047c442448fca7c9f4e288a202ed520bfad0c784b792b7773cee08
rsk: 8bb85f3c7a494a08890d7d142109c1a3501d04565d80227e2079097800fbe107
rvk: 6fe128737b8e76fa66698a748b0dc0a89168dd8a0601c2b1c0b26835d323e9b3
rsig: 533053074d3b44f08723aab988ede9880a001b7a684d4a98f2d1b88fabee07a5
Test vector 2
edsk: 0202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202
edpk: 8139770ea87d175f56a35466c34c7ecccb8d8a91b4ee37a25df60f5b8fc9b394
sk: a83c626bc9c38c8c201878ebb1d5b0b50ac40e8986c78793db1d4ef369fca14e
vk: 8139770ea87d175f56a35466c34c7ecccb8d8a91b4ee37a25df60f5b8fc9b394
msg: 0303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303
sig: 0829e58eb5399870f009bd1f0270264e556424bda7a93fbcec99f6d9d75db46d
alpha: 98b615d9027e996cc2796c019d9c8beb46aa7d2b6eea2e5d98eb29eb1584c203
rsk: 9fcfaa734852ca40b3810ebef590e138516e8cb4f4b1b6f0730978de7f806402
rvk: 527e121090158419609e4a0d8de6f7d3271b353a8cd0b8172fe41468ea1e9177
rsig: 9a6961f35ed264a946cd6214b2326a6e6caa426c2a61bc14367fd278e0b5fb51
Test vector 3
edsk: 0303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303030303
edpk: ed4928c628d1c2c6eae90338905995612959273a5c63f93636c14614ac8737d1
sk: 98aebbb178a551876bfaf8e1e530dac6aaf6c2ea1c8f8406a3ab37dfb40fbc65
vk: ed4928c628d1c2c6eae90338905995612959273a5c63f93636c14614ac8737d1
msg: 0404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404
sig: ef5fd1488048fb0247e5883bd90f7b2ce1ffe9b143a5bf6156b76ac2c39d8fdb
alpha: ba17f5110fcea8a12e0bd3677e4088b874332c4e3e6c9911d9ec3fe0233d3e0a
rsk: c4ceed95e9208c189458fe772c9628021f2aef385bfb1d187c9877bfd84cfa0f
rvk: 6e2b9b129bbe00fa964c996d40307dd01aff120e94fd15f17119341ecda3d7a0
rsig: 900ecc6306f895a8ccde97d3624799fd939062a87b69e09351903ba83ceeab2b
Test vector 4
edsk: 0404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404
edpk: ca93ac1705187071d67b83c7ff0efe8108e8ec4530575d7726879333dbdabe7c
sk: 483e3c145d7e680a16676925fc045183d2f510cb2f660a1fc517c73762185d43
vk: ca93ac1705187071d67b83c7ff0efe8108e8ec4530575d7726879333dbdabe7c
msg: 0505050505050505050505050505050505050505050505050505050505050505
sig: d76b8133e08e4ff58de6b7f2df95c84a8bb968addd1d1ff585d79a90f5cfe11f
alpha: 9a14f2755512a72a3a5a514379f3458c3f912fc5eba8711b0cf2bfda49c79104
rsk: 2e0357164904c6d4f64ddcdcfa101bbc118740901b0f7c3ad1098712acdfee07
rvk: de0a291ee45634de9a051c9373b9378ffbe45a8532067a9a93a86b837c762908
rsig: 010dcc6a44e942a6f7d52704d957ad66a5c6452ad9b9442cc8ef724e41d6c3ce
Test vector 5
edsk: 0505050505050505050505050505050505050505050505050505050505050505
edpk: 6e7a1cdd29b0b78fd13af4c5598feff4ef2a97166e3ca6f2e4fbfccd80505bf1
sk: 48370d6146de919cc1ce472897775d9a6c2834c509e08e14efcb2b52188f946e
vk: 6e7a1cdd29b0b78fd13af4c5598feff4ef2a97166e3ca6f2e4fbfccd80505bf1
msg: 0606060606060606060606060606060606060606060606060606060606060606
sig: 2c56c96801f99ae1f5e8d8edc87725e08aaf7fc77071f222f7c46084b41c5b41
alpha: 687944d00a53ca02a0787da2acb8f99994ea7453c8d140d93efbc2b70d852a07
rsk: 35e598a6987bdb3685fdff552d5b3ea20013a918d2b1cfed2dc7ee092614bf05
rvk: 9951414e4f29408031f212edc6c9cfe36550b4ce2aa968db49de6c93ca9d565b
rsig: 4b8f3e3baa8b4fdb99b0053036d569352e49c98c61800288f676aed77b9929b3
Test vector 6
edsk: 0606060606060606060606060606060606060606060606060606060606060606
edpk: 8a875fff1eb38451577acd5afee405456568dd7c89e090863a0557bc7af49f17
sk: a83f248f80ff04de20a82fe12bd3551887168e372d239932ce812d0992d34078
vk: 8a875fff1eb38451577acd5afee405456568dd7c89e090863a0557bc7af49f17
msg: 0707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707
sig: f4a00093daa26b48465e07ee5697ba44191fb5673b6ab71a31d2349a18aecbd6
alpha: 0158cda553d7e9769829a5d36d2b7ce05e9171d8d058a8630d31029001ffd409
rsk: 41f8424d01be5b9406eb179da42fda51e5a7ff0ffe7b4196dbb22f9993d21502
rvk: cef5dc9b4a246025df56fb118e34c3f06d6213c4c6ab8a1d4297eb7845cb2824
rsig: de23eec573f35ebf7ea9539b511ca5129213821525190fdf1c186c2788c1abb3
Test vector 7
edsk: 0707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707070707
edpk: ea4a6c63e29c520abef5507b132ec5f9954776aebebe7b92421eea691446d22c
sk: 28ad39fefd7fa3e200a9c626eef599e61a2d055c48a8288a4e7e4c4bca392878
vk: ea4a6c63e29c520abef5507b132ec5f9954776aebebe7b92421eea691446d22c
msg: 0808080808080808080808080808080808080808080808080808080808080808
sig: e78bf2d340d9ae0af5dd81e4d58801b3872189a71573a12be343ed39cebab56a
alpha: 8e16161802e3c87857ae725dfa28d6222b326907f652e6c89f806882c0fb1a00
rsk: 3bf8968b47adebf27b0d740fd2495777455f6e633efb0e53eefeb4cd8a354308
rvk: 755a8f05633c45d0fac471a386776f63a7d28bc8d80e326ddde5484b20565e89
rsig: 6efdca4ba705bc05d4564f0ca626646679ac1cb2c3093618e95238ebd1c7aa09
Test vector 8
edsk: 0808080808080808080808080808080808080808080808080808080808080808
edpk: 1398f62c6d1a457c51ba6a4b5f3dbd2f69fca93216218dc8997e416bd17d93ca
sk: 3826c9c31226edde9501fd2589203cb3e6fe737876a845512b53ada2fa2ace74
vk: 1398f62c6d1a457c51ba6a4b5f3dbd2f69fca93216218dc8997e416bd17d93ca
msg: 0909090909090909090909090909090909090909090909090909090909090909
sig: 1ed88a926dd80999d3a40efd3b74fa731729e28bb84e0430663822a69f9f4bcc
alpha: c4cc56d9c3e787ca60a54dfca65b4556f2dccabcac97e7a975e4efa1acb8920e
rsk: 945371b503f5e1e843c08d0a3bad8962d8db3e3523402dfba0379d44a7e36003
rvk: db1730a0730ca0746a73f1880660ea5ea42f9d931760f3cdedc9cbe1c1d1b8d9
rsig: db60c64b61e888696ca0a7ef7adb92b784e0e6070d0435818e99788022db8e83
Test vector 9
edsk: 0909090909090909090909090909090909090909090909090909090909090909
edpk: fd1724385aa0c75b64fb78cd602fa1d991fdebf76b13c58ed702eac835e9f618
sk: 388fe3ab30c0aabf54acd276f3d8bbbc2b7ca4a9495d204f255bacf578c74c46
vk: fd1724385aa0c75b64fb78cd602fa1d991fdebf76b13c58ed702eac835e9f618
msg: 0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a
sig: dd5a8c6ed9331c074ea11f65b9290900931bdf01a47f01adc75583d2a3dcfc10
alpha: b851f206eba78325ed5231cad059e8bd8a1e3d7f1e391058b3d9ab08d096cb03
rsk: 3c91fe3eb2dbe484e88b25b5494b2827b69ae128689630a7d83458fe485e180a
rvk: 601ab762eea5cd89ff34e0f661d1ca3932ba166ca67154b2e62afb85282dda81
rsig: 5a453378fdbb22b8f037ad61d144ce006201fea0c2c1472d463617c432786dfc
Test vector 10
edsk: 0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a0a
edpk: 43a72e714401762df66b68c26dfbdf2682aaec9f2474eca4613e424a0fbafd3c
sk: 0099bf92c41b5d3d309c3b074756e9707e40a9bcea229857f7cf551e8bb0fd45
vk: 43a72e714401762df66b68c26dfbdf2682aaec9f2474eca4613e424a0fbafd3c
msg: 0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b0b
sig: c54d64d550f7690ffdd108efc49f1c25a54282825e10328630710924b354cb4c
alpha: 5eebb60818299d581fa68f5fcae4c2bb398a7e10876e27994d93d555075e7d05
rsk: aa349f2773b8b035f6ceecda965330d9b7ca27cd7191bff044632b74920e7b0b
rvk: d0c5fe8f83fd42202265efff804a1527c0eb0e1cce9781cf14571cd506eeed36
rsig: 28e96b6d4251b356e635e382ed89a37e7650d3035f98909e09a6cbe82c13e418
[Prop123] | http://i2project.net/spec/proposals/123-new-netdb-entries |
[RedDSA] | (1, 2) https://github.com/zcash/zips/tree/master/protocol/protocol.pdf |
[RFC-8032] | (1, 2, 3) https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8032 |